Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's not over until it's over

I thought the engagement is already a done deal. But no. Further commotion ensued based on people's judgements and opinions.

In the first place, I did NOT ask for anyone to prepare food or bring this or that. One aunt cook one type of dish eh? I SPECIFICALLY SAID that i'll fork out money to order in food. But no. People thought that i'm giving my guests Nasi Bungkus to eat! eh hello! got such thing called catering kan?! Less hassle less cleaning of ceramic wares after the event is over. BUT NOOOOOOOO need to cook need to make kuih need to make this need to make that. At the end of the day, I GET THE BLAME?! For being lazy? For not helping out clean the house?

Like hello? Do i NOT need to rush to work afterwards? It was bad enough I had to wait more than 30 minutes for a friggin taxi. And i get the blame for not discussing with my parents about the food. wah! blood boiling already. When in first place i already reiterated my intention to just cater food, the mother insisted NO NEED LAH MASAK YANG SIMPLE2 AJE TAKPE NANTI IBU PEGI PASAR BELI BARANG blablablablabla.

Second thing, people were slamming me for scolding my niece & nephew. It's like, "kau dah tahu budak tu memang suka kepo2 masok bilik orang kenapa kau marah2 budak tu?" BLOOD BOILING again. Okay I know I haven't have any children of my own yet so i don't understand what it's like to deal with kids. But I do babysit my little cousin waaay back then okay? He's a naughty boy TETAPI dengar kata. I realized that he doesn't listen when we raise our voices on him but instead will do his best to behave when we talk to him nicely.

Ok picture this. I don't engage a MUA to do my make up. I only had my two cousins to help me. And this little mak nenek keep bugging me to ask to see my make up stash. And keep bugging for this and that. You're getting engaged. You're not really an expert in makeup. As much as you try to keep your cool, you will eventually lose your patience. When you've already clearly said that mak nenek cannot play laptop, only to find mak nenek dengan muke sardine amek macbook aku macam tu harta mak dia and play, tak trip? sabaaar je kan. sabaaar je. hari aku niee, tak bagus jadi she-hulk (inside joke). if you know me and my temper, and if you know what was really happening, you would know that i have been patient. But thing is, you don't even know me, and you go on passing such remarks?

And whilst in my parents room when fai's family already came over, this mak nenek just cannot stop talking. Even when i nicely ask her to keep quiet nanti boleh continue bobal k bibik nak dengar what they talking outside. Noooooooo must fight back. Then i snarkly question her if she seriously cannot keep her mouth shut in school when the teacher is talking and she boasted that she's the monitor in her class. ironic. cannot keep mouth shut still can become monitor? aku diam je. budak kecik kan, takkan nak bobal kurang ajar depan dia. and there's one moment they were playing around the bed and the bedsheet slide off and the cake NEARLY FELL OFF THE BED. PANIC ATTACK! who won't panic and shout you tell me??!

I don't understand why my extended family members just can't adopt the "live and let live" mentality. nooo. must say this must say that. must compare this must compare that. the event dah over kan, sudah lah.

I wonder if other people's engagement went smoothly and ended on a happy, seriously happy note. no after event drama or scuffle.

makes me think twice on getting a SINGLE family member involved in my wedding preparations. Anyone think it's possible?

Alah. bukan nye mintak sponsor pon. Insyallah if everything goes as planned i'll be able to raise the funds by end of the year.

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