Friday, August 30, 2013

Collagen, the myth.

I am no beautician, but I was a student of chemical & life sciences, and my friend who's a sport science student enlighten me on one issue: Collagen.

Truth be told, collagen CAN NOT be absorbed into our skin, unless it is broken down into its individual components, only then can it be absorbed by our body.

Most collagen based products now promise two things: To firm the skin and reduce aging as collagen is absorbed by skin. Reality? Collagen is quite a LARGE molecule, and is thus too large to pass through your skin for absorption.

Hard to understand? Think of it like passing an elephant through your normal house door. Can squeeze through? NOPE!

Recently, manufacturers claim to rectify this problem by "inventing" soluble collagen, basically collagen which has been "broken down into smaller fragments". They claim that these "soluble collagen" can penetrate through the skin's surface for the effects to work. Reality? The "soluble collagen" MAY (i emphasize the word MAY here) penetrate your skin, but they are too small to work as useful collagen as produced naturally by the skin. It works at best only in hydrating your skin and temporarily improve its appearance.

So ladies, keep your money in your pocket and don't waste so much money on collagen supplements to boost your appearance.

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