Friday, September 6, 2013

What you need to keep your skin youthful and healthy

I was talking to the company's occupational nurse just now after the briefing about first aid awareness on Phenol & Hydrofluoric acid. He's 2 years shy of retirement and we had a short conversation about my father. His advice for my father was that my father should keep himself active and not stay home and watch TV all daaaaay looonggg. Engage in sports, go out, take walks, join tai chi classes in the morning, anything, as long as it keeps his body heated up.

Then he mentioned something:
"that's the main problem. orang melayu kita ni tak suka sangat rajinkan diri bersenam semua. nanti macam2 sakit dating".

which reminded me of what my friend told me, about keeping fit and eating healthy in order to look youthful even when you're old. yeap, you don't really need all those health/beauty supplements in order to supress aging.

I don't have a picture of my father and fiancé's father, but if I were to post them on my blog, I can bet that 99% of you readers may think that my fiancé's father is much older than my father.

for once, my father still has dominantly black hair, and his front teeth is still mostly intact. fiancé's father's hair is mostly grey/white. and his teeth, hehehehehe bogeh lah senang cakap lah kan.

what I can probably conclude is that due to my father's work nature, he's much active than fiancé's father. which is why my father doesn't really look much older as compared to fiancés father. my father works shifts, gets out in the field, climbs up columns, open and close valves, train new technicians who just joined the coy, I can say that he's pretty much an active person at work, but not so at home. at home, all he does is eat sleep watch tv, and also the daily 10mins jog INSIDE the house which really irritates me to the max!

a healthy and balanced diet is also crucial to your bodily immune system. it's useless to be consuming supplements that burns a hole in the pocket yet you're doing nothing to help your body detoxify all that junk and harm that you've caused to your body. it's akin to seeing the doctor for your cough but then you're still consuming fried foods and carbonated drinks. MAJOR FAIL!

someone I knew (lets call her Ilya) who took El Marino Blanc, told me that EMB doesn't help her lose weight. As per instruction, EMB has to be taken before meals so that it suppresses your appetite and thus, you don't gain weight, in fact, you'll lose weight! I didn't personally experience it myself because my weight is always fluctuating depending on my mood to eat and how hectic the sample workload is, my weight usually drifts about 50 - 55kg. So after 2 months of consumption, her efforts in trying to lose weight through consuming EMB is pretty much a wasted effort. The only plus point is that her eczema has lessen. I personally think that eczema can be treated in other alternative and much economical way!

I don't believe in 1 product that can offer you a miracle in healing this and that, even if it claims to work from the inside out. it is sooo against my principle to offer people something that is too good to be true. some people may say that "good things don't come cheap", but I beg to differ. there are other good products that are inexpensive and works just as fine!

don't fall in their trap. half of the time they won't understand the science behind how things work in the cells of your body. even if they have "doctors" who endorse the product, how sure can you be that their opinions aren't biased and that they're only in it for the money?

moral of the story:
Don't get yourself burnt.

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