Sunday, August 25, 2013

El Marino Before & After

This is a veryvery late post, almost 1 month backdated. Before and after pics of my face after 1 month of consumption.

4 satchets daily so 4 x 30 days = 120 satchets = 4 boxes of El Marino Blanc = $113/box x 4boxes = $452 spent on El Marino Blanc just in ONE MONTH.

I don't see much difference or change to be honest. Fairer skin isn't being accomplished well perhaps because i spend most days getting my skin chao ta-ed due to the rides home after night shift. I still have breakouts though it's getting less nowadays, my skin still has blemises and those i have no idea what bumps. To each his own, if you think this "investment" is okay and affordable for you, then you may might as well go ahead. Just don't fall into this MLM shit.
 Yours truly, Zue.
 (Pic on left, before. Pic on right, after 1 month consumption)


  1. Hi Zue,

    Thanks for your review of the collagen product as I too have been recently approached by someone to get this product. As a typical Singaporean, we have to do our homework thoroughly first before purchasing, so I was searching the net and stumble upon your review in your blog. Could you update more after using like 1 week plus of the product? Any further differences? I am simply curious and will appreciate your kind reply of your personal experience :)

    Thank you.

  2. Hi zara!
    thanks for your response on my blog post.
    sure, i will find time to edit the photos and upload it *after 1 month of usage*

    hope you don't stop dropping by my blog!
