2 weeks ago me and the boy went to USS. Well initially the plan was to head to adventure cove and just get our wet gears there. But who am I kidding? the items at adventure cove's gift shop was ridiculously overpriced! so yea, we paid the entrance fee into Adventure cove only to waste $58 as we hadn't got anything prepared to get ourselves wet. Since we were already at Sentosa, we thought.. why not we take a trip to Universal Studios again? yey!

Because it was sweltering hot, we decided to take a ride on Shrek's 4D Adventure after going on Madagascar. We were just in time to immediately enter the ride anyway. Before that, took picture with pinocchio!
We didn't have any plans on which ride to take though, we just took whatever rides our legs took us. The clouds were getting gloomy as we walked through the park. Then. we went to ..
my second favourite ride in the park. The dark indoor environment makes the roller coaster much more thrilling. Fiance still screamed like a ku niang. hahaha!
The queue was god fucking long I tell you! After the ride, it was raining cats and dogs! We were stucked. In fact, everyone else was stucked and skeltering to find a shelter! Since I didn't want to get stucked at one spot whilst waiting for the rain to mellow down (I regret leaving the umbrella inside the bike's box), I spent $6 just to buy ponchos for ourselves. And since most parts of the park was flooded anyway, I took off my pumps and walked barefooted.
Then we got to sci-fi city to get our nicotine fix. It was still kinda drizzling though. After which fiance saw something interesting that he wanted to try: CHURROS! it was damn expensive lor. $3+ for a single stick of churros. He also bought corn dogs. Kinah said it looked like pork. Well, FYI dear kinah, it's corn flour and inside is chicken sausage. NO PORK YEAY!
We queued for the Transformers ride. It was damn damn damn damn long la. Anyway you know there's these interactive panels where visitors can press and turn and do all they want to the panels? There were this group of ang mohs from IDK what country and they were behaving like monkeys! They were much taller than me and fiance and definitely looked much older than us but the behaviors speaks their age i guess? They were climbing up and pressing everything like a little kid with ADHD i tell you. sooo sooo annoying. There were certain parts where they went "omg is this real? i think it's fake. lets try it." I think we were stucked behind them for a good 30 minutes or so. Because everyone else were queueing for the Transformers ride whilst waiting for the rain to completely stop.
Anyway, it was my third time on the ride, and all I did mostly was to look up to see where the cabin actually go to create all these awesome effects. Verdict: I HAVE NO IDEA. but seriously I really really liked the effects and the storyline. Feels sooooo real.
After that we walked and walked .. and went into the Sesame Street's souvenir shop! Our main agenda was to go to the newly opened attraction, honestly.

TThe view of the shop from inside the queue for the Spaghetti Space Chaser. And fiance trying on the cute hair bands. Very cute my dear boy...
i squealed whilst queueing for the ride. reminds me sooo sooo soooooooo much of my childhood days. Oscar the grouch, ernie and bert, cookie monster, Elmo, big bird etc.
It's action time!
Pardon the blurry pictures. My samsung note isn't doing much justice to capture memories for Sesame street, my all time favourite childhood show!
The screen panel that was in the carriage that we were on.
On the main street there were boards that contains interactive information about sesame street. The were also interactive game stations that was themed on sesame street, like the one in the top picture. Me and fiance didn't take part even though we were told that we could win some good prizes. Well lets leave the fun to the kids shall we? We just looked at the kids having so much fun playing these games. God willing, when we have our own kids, we'll have the same fun together as a family. (:
Next we queued up for "Lights, Camera, Action", It's just based on how big named directors film their movies. Whilst queueing, this view of this lady really disturbed me. ALAMAK LADY, HIDE YOUR BRA STRAP LAH! you know i was soo godamn tempted to pull her bra strap and let it snap on her skin. sheeeesh~
Help! we're caught in a category 5 thunderstorm! ahhh i don't wanna die yet! I wana get married and have babies, beautiful babies. haa okay kidding.
Panorama shot FAIL.
The queue for the meet and greet session for Elmo and Grover was loooong! So i just had to look on from afar. Boo to us. Elmo why you sooo cute!
Oh yea, after which they were spraying bubbles! yeay bubbles! look at that little girl! happily chasing bubbles! looking at kids makes me happy!

I feel like there are much more that's missing. Ah I guess that's because my phone was running low on battery thats why. So anyway, me and fiance didn't take the battlestar galactica mainly because fiance is scared of such thrilling rides. i wanted to get on that roller coaster soo badly but it's okay. I've got to remind myself the next time I go to USS, I need to travel light and wear clothings appropriate for the weather and pack an umbrella in my bag no matter rain or shine.
Stay tuned for part two of the USS trip. ((:
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