so who is this Austin Tan? this came up in Facebook today...
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Austin Tan, the "educated" A level student who acts like a total retard |
Well, his comments FURIATES me. Yes, it furiates me even though I am not from the ITE. I spent 4 years in secondary school, got into the top express class in secondary 3 and 4, went to Millennia Institute for the 3 months course, passed my O levels, qualified for a place in Junior College, but went to polytechnic instead.
Why did I choose to go to polytechnic even though i qualify to go to a JC? because i thought going to JC makes one stressed up and end up being a total retard, like Austin Tan. I also find that people from JCs are much more arrogant as compared to those in ITEs and Polytechnics. It's like having good grades makes one a much better person. but noooooo. Seriously, is this what they are nurturing in good schools? Are these the type of people that Singapore wants to have?
People must realize now that a high IQ isn't proportional to High EQ. You've got to have a bit of both. What's the purpose of good grades but not being able to communicate with other people in a nice way where you can gain respect from?
If he was a boss, I would bet on you that I'll have high blood pressure and I will hyperventilate from all his bitchiness.
How old is he, seriously? I wonder if he has even served NS. A guy like him will be the main target of bully and abuse from his bunkmates. Talk so much, act so little. Arrogant.
Anyway, an A level cert is useless if one doesn't make it into a university. I know alot of people who didn't make the mark for their A level examinations (be it in a Junior College or in Millennia Institute), and who ended up going to a polytechnic, thus wasting 2 to 3 years of their time, only to repeat the school routines again whilst their other JC friends in the same batch as them are pursuing their degrees.
I graduated from Singapore Polytechnic in February 2009. The economy was a pain in the butt and I couldn't get a suitable job for myself in the relevant industry that i studied. I worked as a delivery rider with Pizza Hut, also at Singapore Polytechnic. I dedicated myself to Pizza Hut for that few months whilst still scouting for a better full time job. Am i grumbling? No. It's perfectly okay to find work experience in other industries. In this case, I've dealt with difficult customers, heavy peak hour dine-in customers, and it also taught me to interact well with my other colleagues and managers so that the deliveries goes smoothly even when orders are flooding especially on month ends when most people get they paycheck.
Well the point is, after I graduated with a diploma, some of my friends from Junior Colleges just started their first year in polytechnic, pursuing their diploma. Few years after I graduated and got myself a very stable job, some of my male friends who were from Junior College just started their first year. Imagine how much time they wasted? How much income they would have earned from themselves if they had gone through just the polytechnic route. Some people aren't really destined for JCs. The workload, the stress. But i am not implying that polytechnic is completely stress free either. And i am not implying that ITE is the end for people who can neither make it to a JC nor Polytechnic. In my opinion, the ITE is the BEST place for people who are not theoretically inclined but learns fast from hands-on.
Do A level students learn hands on? not much. Does A level students learn how to operate complex mechanism? No. Does A level student go through internship to enhance their knowledge so that they can relate to their studies? No.
I don't see how an A level student can be sooo much superior than one from ITE. in fact, in certain industries, an ITE graduate can earn so much more than a degree holder who is just an office worker. i know of alot of ITE graduates who earn more than $3k BASIC salary, and they're of my age. when i say BASIC salary, that is EXCLUDING 100+ hours of OT. In all honesty, i think my colleagues (and I) can clock in more than 100 hours of overtime per month. And we still get our days off! Shame on you Austin Tan for making such brainless remark. I wonder where did that 100+ hours come from? Are you implying that all ITE graduates work at MacDonalds after they complete school?
i think he's the joke, not the ITE students, not people who work at MacDonalds.
Sometimes it's really not what's in a certificate. It's your ability and willingness to work, learn, take on new challenges, face the challenges with an open mind, yet keeping your cool towards you colleagues and not being a ball licker. That's where the EQ comes to play. Even if you're an intelligent bastard who can do things quickly and can settle things fast, if you're an asshole, you'll still be an asshole to everyones eyes. If you resigned from your previous company with a bad reputation, chances are people will not be willing to employ you if you are looking for jobs within the same industry. The network in which your bosses have is just too wide and unpredictable.
Well to Austin Tan, GOOD LUCK HOR. I am suspecting that he is silently targeting the MALAYS. but hey, NOT ALL MALAYS ARE STUPID OKAY. even society's thrash can make it big in life if they know what to do to make a change in their lives for the better.
so bitch please, stop stereotyping.
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