I've just turned 21! (Okay no, I'm 23, I have this feeling that turning 23 is already so old! I wonder how I'll feel once I've turned 30). Let the pictures do the talking for now...

The little girl whom I disappointed because I managed to figure out what was her surprise. The giver of the gift refuses her picture to be taken. pfft....

The gifts! I only expected the Nuke Optics shade, didn't expect the socks and erm shoelace. There's a story behind the shoelace and socks. All backdated since 2011. Well, I've gotten new socks for work yeay!

Well I spent the midnight of 17th November at work on my first Night shift. It's okay, since i managed to apply leave on the 2nd night, meaning I could enjoy the whole 24 hours of my birthday! and yeaa, my colleagues was looking for candles for me to blow during supper! We had supper quite late though ... about 2.30am? Thank GOD, really THANK GOD the sample load wasn't so heavy. But still was too much for me to have my nap till I overslept. -_-"

The macaroons was the second part of the surprise Little Kinah gave for my birthday. She comfortably hid the macaroons in one corner of the fridge lor. Awww, thanks kinah! The macaroons came with birthday candles anyway, so my colleagues took them out and place it on the bread! How creative and thoughtful. It's just a bread with seasoned meat inside. Yums! I could grow fat with these people i tell you!
So Nurdin turned off the pantry lights, thank goodness there were just us and Jonathan in the pantry, so there won't be much commotion ey. Sang birthday song and blew the candles. Too bad Izzaaz wasn't around as we share the same birthday. Hehe. I felt like a really lucky girl that night. (=

Kinah's other 2nd birthday surprise because she was unsatisfied I just had to spoil her surprise. An organizer for 2013, nicely hidden under her reagent list. I only saw her note lah, but I didn't saw her present. How sneaky!

Overall, what I got for my birthday. Yes, that snickers was also my "birthday gift" from hanis. Once i reached home, the chocolate already melted. It's in the freezer now. Well, what to do, this is what riders like me face all the time. I cant carry chocolates in my bag for shit. It will always have to end up in the freezer to harden it up first before i can actually devour it. sheesh~
The Boyfriend also gave me a Mickey Mouse Plush toy. Didn't do anything much since it was pouring (yet, another dilemma of a motorcyclist). Other than that, he bought us a couple shirt and also baseball jackets for us! Thank you dearest. Am looking forward to our engagement day. (=
Lotsa love, (and please keep off the hatred)
Zue. (=
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