Saturday, June 2, 2012

Please Help Little Nur!

I've been itching to start a new blog for quite some time, but I'm always caught up with work. There are just sooo many issues that I want to blog and spill my opinions. Issues that I'm sure I'm not the only one who's affected or unhappy about.

I'll cut everything short for now. I'm blogging about the current issue that will bring tears to everyone who has a heart, who has feelings. Here, is the story of Adlea Ry’Kyla Muhammad Ghazali, known to many of us Singaporeans as Little Nur. She's only four, and she's suffering so much now. Sadly, the authorities can't do much for her as she's too young to undergo a heart transplant. She has myocarditis, which is a rare heart condition that causes her kidneys to deteriorate. Her abdomen is bloated, that presses against her other organs and makes her breathless, suffer sever pain and fever.

[The only hope for Lil Nur is a NEW HEART]

I teared when I watched how she tried to avoid her medication. And I teared more when I watched how she's saying that she's feeling breathless. I urge Singaporeans to help this little angel. A posting has went around facebook, stating how Singaporeans helped contribute funds towards a dead murdered China girl, but then turned a blind eye towards Little Nur. Hey, Little Nur is still alive, and struggling for a living. If we help her, we are helping to save her life, and help her live a normal life and God Willing, she'll grow up to be a fine young lady who is always helping others in need. 

Here is the posting that I obtained from Facebook;

Any idea what is the $1.2million is being used for? Huang Na isn't even around, walking this earth alongside all of us. So where did the contributions go to? Did her parents donate them to charity, or use it for their own benefits? I WONDER.

So please, do help to contribute and help Little Nur. A hospital in Florida quoted that her heart transplant ALONE costs $1.5million US dollars. No matter how small is the amount contributed, it's the thoughts that counts. Otherwise, no matter what religion you are, do offer your prayers for this little one, as well as offer our prayers to everyone else in need.

I am in no way related to this little angel, I'm posting this out of empathy. To donate, do refer to this website for more details.

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